Armed Conflict Analytics

Historical data analytics of armed conflicts worldwide to better understand their characteristics and find patterns in causes and solutions.

Updated by UN-OICT Analytics on September 20, 2016

Project repository

Project Objective

This project analyzes historical data of armed conflicts, and characterizes current world conflicts, with the aim to predict e.g. how long conflict last, casualties, factors contributing to the initiation and ending of conflicts. The analysis will seek correlations with types of countries, religion, types of parties in conflict, casualties etc.


Project Team

The InfoSeeking Lab at the School of Communication & Information - Rutgers University

Dr. Chirag Shah - Rutgers University
Associate Professor of Information Science
Affiliate member of Computer Science

Soumik Mandal - Rutgers University
PhD student - Information Science

Kevin Albertson - Rutgers University
Master’s student - Computer Science and Mathematics